Statements from President Crow

ASU President Michael M. Crow on Proposed FY24 Tuition and Fee Adjustments

March 10, 2023

March 10, 2023

As a model National Service University dedicated to perpetual innovation, Arizona State University continues to build increasing momentum in demonstrating comprehensive excellence, broad access to quality education, and consequential social impact. As presented in last month’s State of the ASU Public Enterprise and Arizona State University report, ASU made meaningful progress in 2022 toward the advancement of its charter, mission and goals in service to local, national and global communities. Its overall growth and performance included notable upswings in student enrollment (undergraduate, first-year and first-generation), greater socioeconomic diversity, and an increase in degree completion.

ASU has maintained its ambitious and uninterrupted forward trajectory while simultaneously preserving its decade-plus promise to keep tuition adjustments for Arizona undergraduate and graduate campus immersion students to 3%. Looking ahead to the 2023-2024 academic year, ASU’s proposed tuition adjustment for FY24 would hold true to that pledge.

ASU also is proposing tuition adjustments for out-of-state campus immersion students, international campus immersion students, and other designated students.

Tuition and fee increases for digital immersion students are also proposed.

In order to provide campus immersion and digital immersion students with optimal learning experiences, a set of changes to select college, support and other fees are included in the current tuition proposal.

As ASU continues to develop as a pioneer in American higher education, it remains focused on providing students with an ever-evolving, world-class education while maintaining its unwavering commitment to affordability, efficiency and fiscal predictability. Giving students and their families the ability to anticipate, prepare and work with us to achieve a degree is important to us and we are here to keep learners moving forward. Only through these collaborative efforts can we support student success, and continue to discover solutions to society’s biggest challenges.

I invite you to read ASU’s FY24 tuition and fee proposal and visit our tuition proposal FAQ. If you have any questions, please email for additional information.